Each Cambridge Hill partner and associate has decades of experience helping organizations to reshape, develop, grow, and succeed in a world of constant change. We are a small firm by design, which enables every client to work exclusively with a high caliber team of seasoned professionals.

Janet Baker, Senior Associate
Janet Baker has more than 30 years’ experience helping organizations manage change. Whether as a senior manager, small business owner, management consultant, or executive recruiter to nonprofits, Janet excels at researching effective practices that add insight into solving client’s challenges and putting in place processes that help to solve complex problems.
Contact Janet: jb@cambridgehill.com

Liza Cariaga-Lo, Senior Associate
Liza Cariaga-Lo advises higher education leaders on approaches to organizational development, faculty development, and institutional change with diversity, equity and inclusion at the center.
Liza brings more than 20 years experience in higher education leadership to her Cambridge Hill clients. Her roles have included Vice President for Academic Development, Diversity and Inclusion at Brown University, Associate Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity at Harvard University, and Associate Dean of Yale Graduate School. She founded and is the CEO and President of the LCLO Group, a higher education and workforce development consulting firm that focuses on Southeast Asia’s emerging regional economies.
She received her master’s and doctorate in education and developmental psychology from Harvard University.
View Liza’s LinkedIn profile
Contact Liza: lizacariagalo@gmail.com

Janet Baker, Senior Associate
Janet Baker has more than 30 years’ experience helping organizations manage change. Whether as a senior manager, small business owner, management consultant, or executive recruiter to nonprofits, Janet excels at researching effective practices that add insight into solving client’s challenges and putting in place processes that help to solve complex problems.
Contact Janet: jb@cambridgehill.com

Liza Cariaga-Lo, Senior Associate
Liza Cariaga-Lo advises higher education leaders on approaches to organizational development, faculty development, and institutional change with diversity, equity and inclusion at the center.
Liza brings more than 20 years experience in higher education leadership to her Cambridge Hill clients. Her roles have included Vice President for Academic Development, Diversity and Inclusion at Brown University, Associate Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity at Harvard University, and Associate Dean of Yale Graduate School. She founded and is the CEO and President of the LCLO Group, a higher education and workforce development consulting firm that focuses on Southeast Asia’s emerging regional economies.
She received her master’s and doctorate in education and developmental psychology from Harvard University.
View Liza’s LinkedIn profile
Contact Liza: lizacariagalo@gmail.com

Debra DeMeis, Senior Associate
Debra DeMeis brings nearly 40 years experience in higher education to her clients at Cambridge Hill Partners. Prior to Cambridge Hill, for over 25 years, Debra served in senior administrative positions as Dean of Students at Hobart and William Smith Colleges and Wellesley College.
Before her administrative role, Debra was a professor of psychology at Hobart and William Colleges. In addition to her teaching, her research focused on women’s development, particularly the transition to motherhood for professional women. She held a number of leadership roles at both the departmental and institutional level. She received her master’s degree and doctorate in developmental psychology from West Virginia University.
Contact Debra: dd@cambridgehill.com

Jennifer Desjarlais, Principal
Jennifer Desjarlais brings more than 30 years of senior management and executive search experience in higher education to the Cambridge Hill team. She previously served as Dean of Admission and Financial Aid at Wellesley College where, as a member of the president’s staff, she advised on matters of policy and strategy and led organizational change efforts.
She works closely with governing boards, executives, and senior managers to make the case and prepare organizations for strategic change. Her strengths include a focus on leadership development and transition, a deep understanding of how schools, colleges, and universities operate, and the ability to engender trust and engage with a broad range of constituents to guide a successful process.
Contact Jenn: jcd@cambridgehill.com

Debra DeMeis, Senior Associate
Debra DeMeis brings nearly 40 years experience in higher education to her clients at Cambridge Hill Partners. Prior to Cambridge Hill, for over 25 years, Debra served in senior administrative positions as Dean of Students at Hobart and William Smith Colleges and Wellesley College. As dean, her focus was on fostering women’s development and building strong, inclusive communities that were supportive and welcoming places for students to live and learn. Her goals were to break down silos that divided groups and to create a shared interest in and obligation to creating an inclusive campus climate.
Contact Debra: dd@cambridgehill.com

Jennifer Desjarlais, Principal
Jennifer Desjarlais brings more than 30 years of senior management and executive search experience in higher education to the Cambridge Hill team. She previously served as Dean of Admission and Financial Aid at Wellesley College where, as a member of the president’s staff, she advised on matters of policy and strategy and led organizational change efforts.
She works closely with governing boards, executives, and senior managers to make the case and prepare organizations for strategic change. Her strengths include a focus on leadership development and transition, a deep understanding of how schools, colleges, and universities operate, and the ability to engender trust and engage with a broad range of constituents to guide a successful process.
Contact Jenn: jcd@cambridgehill.com

Mary Grace Duffy, Partner
A skilled, experienced manager and consultant, Mary Grace specializes in working within changing, complex environments and in managing “turn-around” situations. At Cambridge Hill, she has worked with CEOs, presidents, boards of directors, deans, and senior managers to help them identify and achieve strategic goals.
Mary Grace has a particular interest in strengthening the performance and management capacity of nonprofit CEOs. Since 2008, she has overseen the innovative Nonprofit CEO Leadership Program that is sponsored primarily by the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay and the Bank of America.
View Mary Grace’s LinkedIn profile
Contact Mary Grace: mgd@cambridgehill.com

Wilbur Herrington, Senior Associate
For more than 20 years, Wilbur Herrington has been consulting to organizations with a focus on designing and facilitating diversity-related workshops. Working with senior managers in the corporate and nonprofit sectors, his organizational development consulting focuses on the integration of diversity and inclusion practices into all aspects of an organization.
A certified New Ventures West Integral Coach, Wilbur holds a bachelor’s degree from Tufts University.
Contact Wilbur: wh@cambridgehill.com

Mary Grace Duffy, Partner
A skilled, experienced manager and consultant, Mary Grace specializes in working within changing, complex environments and in managing “turn-around” situations. At Cambridge Hill, she has worked with CEOs, presidents, boards of directors, deans, and senior managers to help them identify and achieve strategic goals.
Mary Grace has a particular interest in strengthening the performance and management capacity of nonprofit CEOs. Since 2008, she has overseen the innovative Nonprofit CEO Leadership Program that is sponsored primarily by the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay and the Bank of America.
View Mary Grace’s LinkedIn profile
Contact Mary Grace: mgd@cambridgehill.com

Wilbur Herrington, Senior Associate
For more than 20 years, Wilbur Herrington has been consulting to organizations with a focus on designing and facilitating diversity-related workshops. Working with senior managers in the corporate and nonprofit sectors, his organizational development consulting focuses on the integration of diversity and inclusion practices into all aspects of an organization.
A senior associate at Cambridge Hill, Wilbur has also conducted large-scale system change initiatives designed to align organizational strategies with the needs and interests of various constituent stakeholder groups. His clients include colleges and universities as well as a range of nonprofits.
A certified New Ventures West Integral Coach, Wilbur holds a bachelor’s degree from Tufts University.
Contact Wilbur: wh@cambridgehill.com

Ed Hudner, Partner
Ed Hudner has extensive experience working with colleges, universities, schools, and nonprofit organizations to develop strategic directions that enable them to reshape, grow, and create the momentum needed to succeed. In this work, he establishes trusted partnerships with leaders and senior managers to build the capacity for strategic change and how to execute that strategy so clients achieve their goals.
Within the corporate sector, he has consulted to Fortune 100 companies in the areas of strategic innovation and new product development.
Contact Ed: eh@cambridgehill.com

Evelyne Martial, Senior Associate
Building on her experience as an attorney, Evelyne Martial brings experience and expertise in helping organizations engage in dialogues around race, ethnicity, and class. She has worked with nonprofits, government agencies, and schools on diversity and equity issues.
Evelyne served as a diversity consultant for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, working with managers to develop practices to recruit, support, and retain a diverse workforce. Her legal experience includes many years as a legal aid attorney, an assistant city prosecutor, and a municipal city investigator in Cincinnati.
An active nonprofit board member, Evelyne holds a BA in economics from Fordham University, a JD from University of Cincinnati, and master’s degrees from Villanova and Simmons universities.
Visit Evelyne’s LinkedIn profile
Contact Evelyne: em@cambridgehill.com

Ed Hudner, Partner
Ed Hudner has extensive experience working with colleges, universities, schools, and nonprofit organizations to develop strategic directions that enable them to reshape, grow, and create the momentum needed to succeed. In this work, he establishes trusted partnerships with leaders and senior managers to build the capacity for strategic change and how to execute that strategy so clients achieve their goals.
Within the corporate sector, he has consulted to Fortune 100 companies in the areas of strategic innovation and new product development.
Contact Ed: eh@cambridgehill.com

Evelyne Martial, Senior Associate
Building on her experience as an attorney, Evelyne Martial brings experience and expertise in helping organizations engage in dialogues around race, ethnicity, and class. She has worked with nonprofits, government agencies, and schools on diversity and equity issues.
Evelyne served as a diversity consultant for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, working with managers to develop practices to recruit, support, and retain a diverse workforce. Her legal experience includes many years as a legal aid attorney, an assistant city prosecutor, and a municipal city investigator in Cincinnati.
An active nonprofit board member, Evelyne holds a BA in economics from Fordham University, a JD from University of Cincinnati, and master’s degrees from Villanova and Simmons universities.
Visit Evelyne’s LinkedIn profile
Contact Evelyne: em@cambridgehill.com

Marcus Penny, Associate
Marcus Penny has more than 10 years experience developing strategic insights for businesses and institutions on diversity-based learning and growth. Managing a team of relationship managers with DiversityMba Media gave Marcus firsthand experience understanding the needs around DEI in various Fortune 500 companies spanning multiple industries.
Marcus has taken his experiences and passion for DEI work into the K-12 education sector and has been recognized by the US Department of Education for his leadership in implementing culturally relevant, inclusion strategies for diverse groups of learners. He also has worked with large urban school districts to recruit, monitor, and maintain educators and staff members of color as well as to implement anti-racism strategies throughout school communities.
Marcus holds a bachelor’s degree from Morehouse College and a master’s degree from Boston College.
Contact Marcus: mpenny@cambridgehill.com

Salome Raheim, Senior Associate
Salome Raheim brings more than 40 years of experience in higher education to the Cambridge Hill team. She served in senior administrative positions as Dean of the University of Connecticut School of Social Work and Senior Associate to the President at The University of Iowa (UI), as well as Director of the UI School of Social Work.
On the national level, Salome’s leadership roles have included founding co-chair of the Council on Social Work Education Commission for Social and Economic Justice and Board of Directors member of the National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work.
As a consultant and trainer for over 25 years, Salome has worked with colleges, universities, nonprofits, governmental organizations, and businesses to support DEI organizational assessment and strategic planning. She earned the Ph.D. in Communication Studies from the University of Iowa, M.S.W. from Catholic University of America, and B.S.W. from Bowie State University, a historically Black institution.
View Salome’s LinkedIn profile
Contact Salome: sraheim@cambridgehill.com

Marcus Penny, Associate
Marcus Penny has more than 10 years experience developing strategic insights for businesses and institutions on diversity-based learning and growth. Managing a team of relationship managers with DiversityMba Media gave Marcus firsthand experience understanding the needs around DEI in various Fortune 500 companies spanning multiple industries.
Marcus holds a bachelor’s degree from Morehouse College and a master’s degree from Boston College.
Contact Marcus: mpenny@cambridgehill.com

Salome Raheim, Senior Associate
Salome Raheim brings more than 40 years of experience in higher education to the Cambridge Hill team. She served in senior administrative positions as Dean of the University of Connecticut School of Social Work and Senior Associate to the President at The University of Iowa (UI), as well as Director of the UI School of Social Work.
At both institutions, she led school and university-wide strategic planning initiatives to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and played key roles in their implementation.
On the national level, Salome’s leadership roles have included founding co-chair of the Council on Social Work Education Commission for Social and Economic Justice and Board of Directors member of the National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work.
As a consultant and trainer for over 25 years, Salome has worked with colleges, universities, nonprofits, governmental organizations, and businesses to support DEI organizational assessment and strategic planning. She earned the Ph.D. in Communication Studies from the University of Iowa, M.S.W. from Catholic University of America, and B.S.W. from Bowie State University, a historically Black institution.
Visit Salome’s LinkedIn profile
Contact Salome: sraheim@cambridgehill.com

Jane Tuohy, Partner
Jane Tuohy has led the firm’s practice in diversity and inclusion since its founding. Jane and her team partner with diverse and complex institutions helping them map a course towards a more inclusive and equitable organization.
A certified executive coach, Jane brings more than 20 years of experience as an organizational development consultant to her coaching. In her coaching, she helps executives who are in an accelerated leadership track or are preparing to lead at the next level in their organizations.
As a board member of the Asante Africa Foundation, she provides global strategic planning to the organization. Jane also is a coach member of The Gratitude Network, a role in which she coaches CEO social entrepreneurs internationally.
Contact Jane: jt@cambridgehill.com

Niki Whelan, Associate
As a public school teacher, Niki Whelan’s work with Cambridge Hill focuses on educating individual educators and administrators develop the ability to act on and realize antiracist commitments. She has been a co-leader of antiracist teacher development efforts in the Boston Public Schools and has brought together educators from public and private secondary schools in antiracist partnerships.
Contact Niki: nw@cambridgehill.com

Jane Tuohy, Partner
Jane Tuohy has led the firm’s practice in diversity and inclusion since its founding. Jane and her team partner with diverse and complex institutions helping them map a course towards a more inclusive and equitable organization.
A certified executive coach, Jane brings more than 20 years of experience as an organizational development consultant to her coaching. In her coaching, she helps executives who are in an accelerated leadership track or are preparing to lead at the next level in their organizations.
As a board member of the Asante Africa Foundation, she provides global strategic planning to the organization. Jane also is a coach member of The Gratitude Network, a role in which she coaches CEO social entrepreneurs internationally.
Contact Jane: jt@cambridgehill.com

Niki Whelan, Associate
As a public school teacher, Niki Whelan’s work with Cambridge Hill focuses on educating individual educators and administrators develop the ability to act on and realize antiracist commitments. She has been a co-leader of antiracist teacher development efforts in the Boston Public Schools and has brought together educators from public and private secondary schools in antiracist partnerships.
Contact Niki: nw@cambridgehill.com